Get To Know: Morgan

Welcome everyone, how are you all doing today? Today our Get To Know guest is Morgan from Morgan Sophia! Morgan has so kindly decided to participate in this Get To Know series so let’s look down below to get to know her a bit better!


Name: Morgan Sophia
Nickname(s): I don’t really have any!
Occupation: I’m currently a college student and a photographer.
Country Currently Living In: I live in the United States

Let’s Get A Little Personal


Favorite time of day? Early mornings are so peaceful and quiet, they are my favorite.
Favorite thing to photograph? Oh boy…I’d have to say people, just because you can learn so much from photographing even just the human hand.
Favorite coffee flavor? I use a French press with Starbucks medium roast coffee beans.
Favorite coffee spot? Starbucks, or this cute little coffee shop called Subculture.
Favorite thing to do on a bright sunny day? I love to go for a walk, ride a bike, or hop in the pool.
Favorite quote? “Good isn’t good enough”

This or That:

Black & white photography or colored photography? I love both, but probably color.
Taking photos of people or of nature? People!
Hanging out with friends at home or having a night out in the town? Night on the town, as I stay home a lot.
Sweet or savory? Sweet!
Planning things out or being spontaneous? I love having a planned event to look forward too, but being spontaneous is much more fun!

Simple Questions:

Why did you begin to blog? I want to blog because I love to write and meet people.
What inspires you to blog? I have been following a lot of bloggers over the past few years, and finally decided to make my own mark!
What kind of camera do you use? I use an iPhone 7 plus and a Canon 70D.
When did you become interested in photography? I was given a camera many, many years ago, and it just stuck!
What is your favorite photo that you’ve taken? That’s tough! Probably this one of a duck…
What are your blogging goals? My goals are to make a lot of new friends, learn more about myself, and teach people some new things.
Do you have any pets? I have a dog and a kitten.

Let’s Get A Little Personal

How would you describe yourself? I’d like to think of myself as a bit mischievous, funny, and smart.
How would your friends describe you? My friends always say I’m the adventurous one in the group.
In your opinion, what is your greatest achievement? I’ve had a few pretty great moments in my life, but one of the biggest achievements would be when I broke my foot, I managed to still get around for a whole week, by myself, on crutches. I felt really empowered by that for some reason.
What animal would you say represents you? I would say a fox.


Morgan, thank you so very much for taking the time out of your day to do this interview! I absolutely loved your answers and I cannot wait to see more of your work and more of your photography because I too am interested in photography! As for everyone else, I hope you all go on over to Morgan’s blog and give her a massive follow because that would be really nice of you and she deserves it! 



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