25 Facts About Me

Hello everyone, how are you all? I’ve recently received an influx of new followers which I am beyond thankful for and I cannot even express how happy and excited it makes me that people are interested in following me and being a part of my journey. Since I have had more people follow me, I have decided that I wanted to share some facts about me and I thought the number 25 was appropriate because why not?!

  1. My birthday is January 30th.
  2. I have begun watching my very first season of Love Island on the Amazon FireStick and I am absolutely obsessed with the show, in fact, once I get into something I usually do become obsessed with it.
  3. Getting a good bargain on items makes me incredibly happy.
  4. I actually like feeling sore after a workout however not too sore to the point where it literally pains me beyond belief to move.
  5. I have a hard time walking past dogs and not petting them or playing with them. Okay, you caught me, I’m dog obsessed!
  6. I feel like my makeup look is never complete until I put mascara on.
  7. I’ve only ever colored my hair once in my life.
  8. I rarely cut my hair, once a year perhaps, twice at most if I’m feeling really crazy!
  9. I don’t handle sudden change well, part of this is probably because I like knowing things in advance so I can prepare myself for things.
  10. I have such a soft heart for love and caring, cute messages, letters, and actions.
  11. I love Christmas lights but honestly only the warm toned white lights, not so much the colorful lights.
  12. In some of my teas I like milk in it, which some people find very strange.
  13. Big Brother is one of my favorite shows, I would love to do the competitions on the show.
  14. I will not go on rollercoasters, I’ve gone on them before and I’ve tried to like them but truthfully, I just can’t, they make me panic too much!
  15. I am obsessed with having a nice clean house, I just love cleanness and organization.
  16. A couple of times a year I completely empty out my closet to organize it and try to donate a few things too while cleaning up.
  17. I only like sweet wines.
  18. I’ve tried Halo ice cream and I’m lovin’ it especially the Oatmeal Cookie one and Smores!
  19. Speaking of oatmeal cookies, I love the home made oatmeal cookies that I make.
  20. As much as I love summer, I do love seeing the colors of the leaves changing in the fall.
  21. I’m too lazy to always put shaving cream on my legs to shave so a majority of the time I just shave without using the shaving cream.
  22. I don’t mind cooking but I do mind cleaning up after cooking.
  23. Scary movies and even drama films really aren’t my thing.
  24. I could eat pizza everyday and be happy with that but I know for my health I better not.
  25. Chick fil a fries are my favorite fries…I could go for some right now.


Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit better. Do let me know three facts about you in the comment section below!


96 thoughts on “25 Facts About Me

    1. We have quite a bit in common! I too love the rain, but as you said, as long as I can stay inside because I hate getting that like half wetness half dry feeling on my clothes! If that makes any sense at all lol! Have a great day!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. 1). My bday is Jan 25th, 5 days before yours.
    2). I also never use shaving cream when I shave my legs (who has time?!)
    3). I rarely cut my hair also – I probably get it cut once every 2 years (which sounds gross) if that! xx

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I never cut my hair…I always end up waiting like 2 years before I bite the bullet. Honestly I just never like the way it turns out so I become hesitant to do it again! And I agree, my makeup is never complete without mascara! Thanks for sharing! xo

    Liked by 3 people

  3. 1. The first time I got a haircut (other than just a trim) was when I was 12 — I donated 12 inches to Locks of Love. Talk about a big change!
    2. I totally would eat pizza everyday too.
    3. My husband and I cannot agree on what Christmas lights to use this year — I am all about white lights!! So glad someone else shares my opinion! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I love your facts, thanks so much for sharing them with me! I cannot believe you donated so much hair, I can honestly say that growing up I kept saying I would do the same but I’ve always chickened out! As for the lights, WHITE IS THE WAY TO GO! I love white Christmas lights so much! Tell your husband that he has to take the loss on this one 😀

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    1. A bottle of sweet for me and a bottle of dry for you then and we can have a great time chit chatting! & Yeahhh, I’m with you, body wash for shaving is definitely the way to go! Thanks so much for dropping by! x

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  4. Three facts about me
    1. I care about little things in life that we do for our love ones because those little things are most important
    2. I love winter season
    3. I am a Digital Designer/Marketeer and in my pass time, I am also a short film maker, Blogger and an amateur photographer

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ahh love that you shared about yourself! I agree with you, the little things in life we do for others are so important and powerful and amazing. As for the last fact, I love that; that’s so cool! Have a great day and thanks for dropping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely of you to share these with us! 😊
    1. I very rarely drink alcohol, purely because I haven’t found many alcoholic drinks that I like the taste of!
    2. Despite being British, I also don’t drink tea (gasp!)
    3. I read a ton of history text books and historical novels.

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  6. I give affection to every dog I see, which can be dangerous when driving a car, and I feel the need to point out every passing dog and oh and ah over them until I can no longer see them (despite craning my neck to try) ;P

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Lol, well it’s a good job we don’t live in the same country as each other, because us two driving along a road where a dog is casually walking would surely result in a accident… but whilst we wait for the tow trucks etc.. we can stroke the dog 😉

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  7. Oh my goodness – you had me at Halo Top Oatmeal Cookie and pizza everyday (though I’m trying really hard to stay on a low carb/keto plan – so I only eat the toppings now 😉 ) I am dying to get my hands on some of the new HT flavors. If you start finding them – please feel free to post reviews!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Reviews…on ice cream?! You mean…people would be interested in me indulging in the deliciousness of ice cream?! SIGN ME UP! Haha, I will definitely try some! Thanks for dropping by, have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I never cut my hair either! Every so often I want a pixie cut then I remember I will miss my princess hair hahaha. I also love sweet wines and I like cleaning out my closet too! I need to do that soon because it’s getting chilly out again. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There are so many of us who don’t like cutting our hair apparently! Oh my goodness, I had no idea! As for the wine, great choice and the cleaning of the closet….oh my gosh I need to do that SO BADLY!

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  9. Fun and interesting facts!

    I like lemon in iced tea, and milk in hot tea… But I’m not a big tea drinker. I’ll take a cup of coffee or a Coke.

    And there’s one razor (Venus?) that has a lubricating strip across the top and you don’t need anything else. I didn’t realize how well it worked until I bought a different brand the next time.

    And mascara is a must.


    Liked by 3 people

  10. I completely agree about the Christmas lights. I find the big colorful ones to be a little tacky, but am in love with the white ones.

    Thank you so much for sharing, I’m glad I’m not the only one who shaves without shaving cream sometimes. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I only cut my hair once a year too. I get it cut just below my shoulders, every April. This year I skipped it and ended up cutting it myself, thanks to a video Cheila put up. It turned out great and I’ll keep doing it myself. I’m with you o the rollercoasters. Any thing that invokes panic/anxiety I avoid, if possible 🙂 I love the out fit you have one and I love me a hat 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Always avoid anything that can cause panic and anxiety attacks, I am with you on that one! I cannot imagine cutting my own hair though, good for you, I’m quite impressed! Thank you so much for the outfit compliment! Have a lovely weekend! x

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      1. I couldn’t either but it was all the way to my belt loops on my pants so I figured if I went in and just cut a little bit then if I messed it up, I’d still have lots of inches for the hair dresser to fix it. But it turned out great!! I wish I had cut it shorter, and I will soon. I just bought myself a good pair of hair scissors :):) Yeah I’ve had panic and anxiety all my life so avoiding things that trigger it are a priority 😉 God bless you and have a very blessed weekend :):)


  12. I love learning about others! There’s so much diversity so it’s always interesting to find out what makes them tick. 😄

    Here’s 3 facts about me:

    I have 5 rescued cats, they are my kids. I’d have dogs too (partial to large dogs) but don’t think my kitties would like that too much lol. I love all animals. I’d have a menagerie if I could!

    I’m an aspiring vegan and vegetarian for 20 years. I cutout chicken first and the rest followed over about 6 months. The process wasn’t smooth as I had a ‘relapse’ with ham but finally gave it up. These days I have no cravings and no regrets.

    I love roller coasters and such an enthusiast that I track every one that I ride. I have 140+ coasters to my name but this spans over 25 years so it’s NOT really that great — some people who can travel all over have 500-700! I only wish that I could..see the world and ride coasters..would be so perfect.

    Thanks for letting me share a bit. I look forward to more of your great posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank youuuu soooooo much for sharing about yourself! I loved getting to know you some more! I definitely have no where near that amount of roller coasters and I do not plan on it either! Thank you so much for coming by, have a great week!

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  13. 1. I have a cup of tea everyday… and yep, gotta have it with some milk. Lol!
    2. I must be super lazy then because I’ve never shaved my legs (my face on the other hand..)
    3. I’m a 3 time Lip-Sync Battle Champ!! #undefeated and willing to take on any challengers! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I only like sweet wines too 🙂 & halo top icecream is so yummy, I didn’t know they had those flavors. I’ll have to try them out next time if I see them. I can relate to #4 as well and chic fil a fries are the best. Three facts about me: I”m a September baby, I like to hike and my guilty pleasures are lean cuisine meals.

    Liked by 2 people

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