Monday Motivation 51

Who is ready for this week’s workout?! Grab your favorite trainers and gym clothes and let’s get to work!

Motivation Quote:

“Stop underestimating yourself.”

Monday August 14, 2017

Looking Ahead:

Tuesday August 15, 2017 

Wednesday August 16, 2017

Thursday August 17, 2017

Friday August 18, 2017

Saturday August 19, 2017

Sunday August 20, 2017

  • Relax and rest up.


Tips & Tricks:

  • Stretch before and after a workout.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Take a break if you ever feel like a workout is too much.
  • Repeat videos as needed.
  • Always have a protein packed snack after a workout to insure muscle growth and to cure muscle fatigue.


18 thoughts on “Monday Motivation 51

      1. Thank you 😊. Your thoughts, feedback and suggestions would really help my blog to improve. Please see my blog and let me know about it 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Tuesday morning here. Definitely not beach weather yet 😄 gee I sleep so much better since a doctor got me meditating properly rather than bombarding me with pills. I rarely even have nightmares anymore
        Waking up to decent people with nice messages in the cyber world and then kind people in reality is largely due to meditation for those of us with real PTSD.
        Good will always find a way. In my life and my family’s work… we will always love you good Americans and what your nation ultimately stands for. God bless 😑🤕😹
        My cat just likes food though

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Your blog is really awesome and inspiring. You have a great gift within you.Please continue blogging and inspire people around you 😊. And if you can please do visit my blog and let me know about it. It would be really helpful 😊. This is the link to my blog


    Liked by 1 person

      1. You are welcome 😊. Your blog is really awesome and inspiring. You have a great gift within you.Please continue blogging and inspire people around you 😊. And if you can please do visit my blog and let me know about it. It would be really helpful 😊. This is the link to my blog



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