
Hello there. For some time now I’ve felt the need to show my appreciation for my top commenters; I wanted to show them that I am thankful for all the time they take to come over to my blog, read my work, like it and even share their thoughts in the comment section. I want people to know that their positive efforts do not go unseen and that I am truly grateful for them and for their words and commitment to my blog. Truthfully, I’m thankful for everyone who follows, likes and comments my posts but these few people have really put in a lot of effort and therefore I want to give them an extra thank you.

Thank you very much to Gluecksgeist:

Ann-Kathriin runs an amazing blog which focuses on DIY projects, baking, beauty and much more. Ann-Kathriin even goes all out with the times and focuses on projects and posts related to what is going on, for example, when Beauty & the Beast came out she went all out with recipes, projects and everything to do with Beauty & the Beast, it was truly amazing. Ann also has a special surprise because since she is Pretty Little Liars obsessed, she will be posting a post related to that show just as she did for the film Beauty & the Beast! Surely you do not want to miss out on Ann-Kathriin’s posts so go on over to her blog, comment on her work, like her work and give her one massive follow!

A message to Ann-Kathriin: Thank you once again for all of your support on my blog; thank you for the constant Instagram likes too. Thank you for being supportive and thank you for sharing all of the posts you do. Thank you for being positive as well and moving forward and being strong when times get rough.

A big thank you to Cheila:

Cheila runs a blog titled Pink For Days and although she is relatively new to the blogging world she certainly kills the game. Cheila has been following me for a couple of weeks or maybe a month or so now and she is constantly showing my posts love and for that I thank her greatly. On her blog, Cheila talks about her personal life, she shares her struggles and how she plans to overcome each challenge she faces. Cheila also posts her to- do lists and then later informs us of what she did and didn’t get done and for some reason I love those posts! I would highly recommend that everyone who is feeling down about themselves goes over to Cheila’s blog because maybe you’ll see that you aren’t the only one struggling in the world and that it is possible to rise above and be strong again.

A message to Cheila: Thank you so much for all your support, your comments, you likes and your posts brings joy to me. Thank you for nominating me for your new tag and for being very supportive and active on the blogging community.

Thank you to the amazing Abigail:

I’ve mentioned Abigail a few times and I always say how impressed I am by her because she is so mature for her age, I really can’t express it enough how amazed I am by her. Abigail is a blue eyed beauty with an amazing blog. Abigail posts about hair, makeup, all things beauty and healthy living. At the age of 13 Abigail is amazing for all that she can write and edit as well. I would highly recommend everyone to visit Abigail’s page because you will be blown away by everything she can accomplish at such a young age.

A message to Abigail: You were one of the first people I was drawn to in this blogging community. The second I saw you and found out you were so young I was amazed, you truly blow me away, how sick are you of me saying that?! I wish you the best of luck in everything you do and I want to thank you loads for all of your support so thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Thank you loads Jamie:

Jamie is another blogger that I connected with instantly. I love Jamie because she is so fun, light hearted and seems so free spirited. Jamie runs an amazing blog where she mentions Netflix shows and her opinion on them, does product reviews and shares her monthly favorites. Jamie is very fun and super supportive of my blog which I can’t thank her enough for. In my opinion, everyone who isn’t following Jamie is missing out and therefore should definitely go on over to her blog and show her some support.

A message to Jamie: Since the day you’ve found my blog you’ve been incredible supportive and always commenting and liking and sharing your thoughts on my posts and for that I cannot thank you enough. I am truly happy to have found someone like you in this blogging world and I cannot wait to continue our little blogging journey together.

Thank you Brooke:

I mean who wouldn’t love Food and Fun Stuff?! I want to give a massive thank you to Brooke for recently following me and showing me tons of love on my blog. I really appreciate all the time and effort it takes to comment on my blog, like my posts and follow me. I want to let everyone know that they should go over to Brooke’s blog and give her a massive follow, while you’re there check out her blog posts!

Thank you to the geckoonline:

Thank you so much for sharing all of your puns with me and for constantly showing me support on my blog with your comments and likes. I really appreciate all of the effort you take on your own blog but also the effort you put into my blog by being a part of it. I wish you the best of luck on your blogging journey and I hope you encounter many more puns that make you laugh loads. I hope everyone goes on over to thegeckoonline and gives them a massive follow, likes and leaves plenty of puns in her comment section.

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I don’t really know what those numbers mean under the “comments” because certainty I have written more than 459 comments and the people I mentioned definitely did more comments than those numbers say but regardless, there is the proof that they are my highest commenters. Thank you once again for commenting on my blog and for always being so supportive!

A message to everyone: Go follow these blogs and show them your support! More importantly, show your support for the people that always comment and support you!



36 thoughts on “Appreciation

  1. I loved this so much! What a great idea and post! Thanks for your nice words about me and my blog ❤
    Of course I am commenting under your posts because they are amazing! I’ve never read a post of yours which wasn’t incredible!! You are truly a zoella-blogger (I hope you know what I mean with this ;))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha, of course I know what you mean by that! I am in now way shape or form as big as her, but one can hope and dream! You’re very welcome for the kind words, I mean them, I felt the need to share my appreciation even more so hopefully that comes across! Have a lovely evening! 🙂 x

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahh, you just made my day! Thank you so so so so so much! And let me share my appreciation for you: thank you so much for supporting everyone. Every day I wake up and check my blog feed, and it’s always so fun to read your posts before I start the day. You truly are a positive inspiration, so thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I absolutely adore your positivity Bea! I love that we connected instantly & I want to thank you as well for being just as supportive of my blog. I’m excited to continue this blogging journey with ya! Keep spreading the love girl 😊💕

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This was soooo nice of you!! I’m sure you made their days! I love the positive message of this post. We should always show our appreciation to the people who bother to admire our work!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! I agree, I feel like just going out of your way a bit to tell someone you are thankful for everything that they do really can change their whole day! Thanks for coming by and I hope you have an excellent day! x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Having an audience who can provide feedback and appreciation of your content is what truly makes blogging so worth it. I am a beginner and have been blogging for a bit over a month and can’t wait to check out the bloggers you adore above. Look forward to reading your blogs 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. awwwwwww…. Thank you sooooooo much!!!! You really do deserve all of those comments!!!! btw I never told you this but, I love the dog in your profile picture!!! He or she is so cute!!!! xoxoxo-foodandfunstuff(Brooke) ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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