Places I want to Travel to

Traveling is something I’ve always wanted to do. To go somewhere else, to explore new land and learn new things is just fascinating and wonderful. As much traveling as I would love to do, I must admit I am terrified of airplanes. I don’t understand how they just suspend in air and travel for so long up in the sky. I hope to one day be more comfortable with flying, at least to the point where I don’t have a rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing or I’m not crying. Yes, I’ve cried on an airplane before because I was freaking out at take off. Below is a list of some of the places that I would LOVE to visit, let me know if you’ve ever been to any of these places and list some places you’d like to go to.

  • England
  • France
  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Bora Bora
  • Jamaica
  • Hawaii
  • Cancun
  • Punta Cana
  • California
  • Ireland

72 thoughts on “Places I want to Travel to

      1. My friend went to Italy for a school trip the pictures looked amazing! I don’t care for flying either but I think if you just hop on there and distract yourself with other things like watching a movie or reading a book or listening to music or anything else to kill time, you forget you’re even on a plane & time flies before u know it it’s time to get off!

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      2. Yeahh that’s true! When I went over to Portugal that’s what I did! Constant panic, movies and games but eventually I got there safe and sound! Thank you so much for coming by as always 🙂

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      3. My brother is this same way! When we flew to Florida he was horrified and now he will never fly again so he’s not going outside of US. When I flew to Seattle the turbulence on the plane from it being so windy made it seem like the plane was going side to side that really freaked me out until the girl sitting next to me said it was normal 😳but when I fly I try not to think of what can happen and usually just read a book the entire flight. Those that can fall asleep on a plane are lucky! I love your blogs keep them coming, always look forward to seeing a new one from you!!😊😊

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      4. Ahhh yes, staying distracted is definitely needed! Think I should do some yoga or meditation before my next flight lol. Thank you so very much for the compliments, I too love your blog posts! Talk to you soon!!

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  1. We have been to (from your list) France (Paris), Tahiti, Bora Bora, Hawaii, Cancun, Italy and live in Southern California for 6 years. We are planning to go to Ireland and England in September and I would love to go to Greece! I would add Australia to your list, it was one of the best trips we have ever taken! We have a lot of travel planned this year and kick off with Manzanillo in three weeks-I can’t wait to get away from this cold weather!

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  2. I’ve been to England, France, Italy and Greece, I loved the Greek islands, absolutely beautiful. I’m from Ireland so I’m still exploring that. 😄 I would add South America to your list, so much to see and experience there. I really want to visit Central America, Canada, Mexico, Jordan, the list is endless these days.

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    1. Ahhhh I crave England, France, Italy and Greece so so so much!!! Lucky you for going ! I hope you get to visit everywhere you dream of !! Thanks for dropping by and sharing with me :)!


  3. Hi Bea, l’ve been to England, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Thailand. A trek over to England and Europe is done by many young Australians, me being one of them. I love travelling and hope that you get travelling soon:)

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      1. Last year we took the train from Switzerland to Venice-beautiful city but very busy and hot during summer;) As a teenager I went to the south of Italy. I went to Paris, also by train from Switzerland, which is very lovely. I did really like Santorini in Greece. The white houses with the blue roofs…so pretty.

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  4. Thanks for your like! I loved Greece and Italy. You definitely have to see it! I also wanna see Bora Bora and Hawaii. I overcame my fear of flying because I wanted to travel the world so bad. I still don’t feel completely comfortable doing it but you become used to. Have fun planning your future travels.

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  5. I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland, Australia, and Canada. They’re possibly the most simple of places to travel to, but I’ve heard that they beautiful.

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  6. I’ve been to Cancun! I even have a post dedicated to Cancun on my blog. Feel free to check it out. I’d love to go to all the places in your list..I’m so tempted to make a list of my own now 🙂

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  7. We are from Ireland!! There are some great places here, Like Galway, Dublin, Kerry you should definitely try visit!! We have been to Italy, France and England on your list too and they are great places! If you decide to go to any of these let us know! We would be happy to share tips and we have some posts on our blog! Regarding the flying, we find the more you do it the more you relax and get used to it 😊

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  8. If I can make a suggestion – I didn’t see Germany on your travel list! That is a must-see! Check out my travel blog to see the amazing, undiscovered Gengenbach in the Black Forest (where the Grimm Brother were inspired) and Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the Alps! I have video of them both too. I am going back next year because Germany was so amazing and inexpensive!!

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  9. If you ever travel to England, you have to drop by the Lake District. It’s full of cute villages, beautiful lakes and some brilliant walks. I’d also recommend the French Alps in Summer. I spent a season there last year… it is truly breathtaking. I hope you get to travel to at least some of those awesome places you listed 🙂

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  10. Lived in Jamaica all my life, still venturing and finds new places and things in this small island 🙂 Dedicated my blog to it! I’ve been to England and California for short stays, enjoyed England more. The 3 top places on my list to visit are probably France, Cuba, and Africa, but essentially want to visit anywhere I can go 🙂 Good luck to you!

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