
Helllooooooo there everyone!! Today we are celebrating 7,000 followers! Whoop whoop!! I honestly cannot believe that there are 7,000 of you! I especially cannot believe it because lately I’ve been so busy with my internship that I’ve been taking forever to reply to your comments and I’ve only been posting 3 times a week! I am so incredibly grateful for all of you, for all of your support, all of your comments, your likes, your time, your everything! Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me from taking the time to read my posts, to liking it and sharing with other people so that my blog can continue to spread and grow.

Although I am very busy, I feel as though I owe it to you all to do a Q&A to celebrate reaching 7,000 followers! Ask me your questions – if you have any, below in the comment section! I look forward to answering them in a separate Q&A post!

Thank you once again to all of you incredible and wonderful humans!

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62 thoughts on “7,000

  1. Hi Bea, I’m so happy that you reached 7000 followers. Your blog is simply amazing and some of your pictures breathtaking. Congratulations.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wooohoooo congratulations!!!! Thats amazing news!!

    Where do you find the time to blog?
    Where do you find your inspiration?
    How do you keep up with all your followers?

    Cant wait to see the Q&A post

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats!
    For the Q&A: How long did it take you to start getting so many followers? How do you find time to keep up with your blog? Do you promote your blog anywhere else (Instagram, Pinterest, etc.)?


  4. Congratulations! 7000 is really amazing!! I can barely even comprehend what that must be like – well, other than amazing 🙂
    What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?


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