Hobby Lobby Haul

Hobby Lobby, Hobby Lobby! I can honestly say I love this store because it has every decoration and everything I’ll ever need for any craft or project. Although I really love going to Hobby Lobby for decorations whether it’s seasonal decor or home decor, this time around I went to Hobby Lobby for some school supplies! As most of you know, I am going to begin my internship student teaching this month…ahhh nerve wrecking! Since I will be student teaching I thought I should pick up some supplies and Hobby Lobby was the perfect place for this. 

The Clipboard

I NEED a clipboard. When I did my junior field which was when I was teaching only once a week, I would always walk around checking homework and taking attendance on a piece of paper that I had printed out with the students names on it. I made my life very difficult by not having a clipboard. I will not be doing that mistake again because this time I bought a clipboard; not just any clipboard though. This motivating clipboard is also a notepad, if you open it up it has papers in there which is perfect for writing down little notes to self as I teach. 



Post- Its & Gold Clips

Little reminders constantly pop in and out of my head throughout the day so having post it notes will be great to get all my thoughts in one place. I got post it notes, both the big padded kinds where I can write on and also the little skinny ones which will be perfect for marking pages in textbooks. Obviously, with teaching, you get a lot of paper work and therefore binder clips are a must! I opted for gold binder clips to match with the writing on my clipboard


Pens & Case

Okay, so I actually purchased the writing utensils from Staples because it was cheaper there but I did get the gold pencil case from Hobby Lobby! As you see, I bought white out, which I will definitely need while grading, sharpies, highlighters and colored pens. I grade in colorful pens like pink, purple, green, and neon blue instead of red.

Little Notebooks

I’ll be honest with you…these little notebooks are more for blogging than they are for student teaching. I don’t know about you, but as I stroll throughout my day, I constantly have these ideas flowing through my head for blog posts, but then I don’t write them down and I forget them. What better way to solve this issue of forgetting than by having a notebook with you at all times?! The notebooks came in a pack of 3 and they are small enough and perfect to carry around in a purse. 



Have you ever been to Hobby Lobby?! What your favorite craft stores?!


56 thoughts on “Hobby Lobby Haul

  1. Oh the clip board is sooo cute! In fact everything is…. clearly I’ve been working in an office for too long when I get overly excited for gold paperclips 😂😂😂

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I love all craft stores. My favorite in this area is Joanne’s; they have a ton of fabric (my hobby is sewing). I also love all the little decals for scrapbooks, as do the kids that I work with. And those pretty printed tapes. So many different choices!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. These supplies are so cute! I’m getting ready to do a desk/office makeover post but I haven’t yet finished acquiring all of my supplies, I’ll definitely have to check out Hobby Lobby. Great post, thanks for sharing and good luck with student teaching!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. I’ve read about Hobby Lobby so many times in other blogs and websites and I’m so jealous there’s nothing like it here in Portugal. Your supplies are so cute. I love the golden theme. I’m back to teaching and I’ve realized I missed it so much. There are other things I want to do in life but I’ll always have a teacher’s soul 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by! I feel so bad that you have nothing like Hobby Lobby around you because it really is amazing and they have so many options and so many things to look at! I’m glad you’ll always have a teaching soul but you can also explore other parts of your life. Best of luck on you journey Cheila, I cannot wait to hear more! x


    1. You should look it up and see if you have on in your area…trust me you’ll love it because they have just about everything you could want! Thank you so much for dropping by, have a great weekend! x


    1. Thank you so very much! I feel like a lot of people in my comment section are talking about Michael’s, I may need to go back there because I feel as though I haven’t given it a proper try! Thanks for dropping by and I hope you have a great weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hobby Lobby my first choice and then Michaels. Hobby Lobby has such beautiful decorations and nice wide aisles, If they are closed or it is more convenient then I go to Michaels. I love the clipboard notebook combo. I saw someone who had one of those and I thought it was such a great idea. Oh, and those gold binder clips are beautiful.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Love Hobby Lobby! Sometimes I have to put imaginary blinders on so I don’t buy the whole store, just get what I came for, haha. What cute stuff you got! Love office supplies

    Liked by 4 people

  7. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Hobby Lobby but I agree they have the cutest stuff. I prefer Michael’s because it’s cheaper and I get discounts through being a member. I usually pick up decorations for my room and the target dollar spot too has great crafts.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. No Hobby Lobby in the U.K. (cry!!), but we do have a shop called Hobbycraft which you do see occasionally – I tend to buy modelling clay. Also bought a ton of stuff once for making my own Venetian mask, which I still haven’t gotten around to!

    Liked by 4 people

  9. I have an unhealthy obsession with stationery and office supplies – part of the reason why I was so excited to start a blog was that it gave me a reason to go out and buy some new notebooks and pens/pencils for “organizational purposes” (aka I just really wanted some cute new ones). LOVE everything you picked up!

    A- https://simplylovely90.wordpress.com/

    Liked by 4 people

    1. It’s amazing!!! Year round they have holiday sections and they make the sections bigger for whatever holiday is about to come! They practically have everything you’ll ever need there.


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