Vacay Stripes

As some of you may know, I recently went on vacation to Miami, Florida! I know what you’re thinking, Bea…where is your travel post than?! It’s coming, it’s coming, I still have to type it up! For now though, I would like to share with you one of my evening outfits that I wore while on vacation.

Just so you know: I purchased the flowy high low romper from T.J. Maxx, the sandals are last season Forever 21 and I have absolutely no idea where I bought the hat because that is a couple of years old.




Behind the Scenes:

Truth be told it’s not all glitz and glam below you can find the trouble that occurred to get these photos.


Insider Scoop:

I thought I would also share a couple of other things that went wrong during this “photo shoot” purely for your laughter and entertainment.

  • I cut my leg shaving and although it was in a bandaid two hours prior to me putting this romper on, it opened up and ended up bleeding all over my romper; luckily all the blood was still wet and I quickly rinsed it off with soap and water.
  • A storm was approaching which meant heavy winds…as you can see from above, this meant a lot of chasing after my hat.
  • When taking photos in public, everyone watches which makes things a little awkward.
  • When I sat down at dinner in this romper, the back button holding up my romper decided to pop off…luckily for me I had a hair tie and therefore I wasn’t left in the nude.


Special Shoutout To:

My boyfriend, who took these photos and made me laugh while taking them.


80 thoughts on “Vacay Stripes

  1. I love the romper! It’s so pretty and I love that you shared the story behind the pictures (which look amazing! You’re so pretty). I had a similar romper accident a few days ago 😅 they do what they want 😉 great post as always xx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Haha this was so cute I loved it!! & just so you know I actually launched my new blog today!! Love if you would check it out @

    Liked by 1 person

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