Amazing Blogger Award 002

The fun, loving and all around happy Silvia from The Happiest Pixel has nominated me for my second Amazing Blogger Award. I want to give The Happiest Pixel a massive thank you for considering me and for nominating me for this award. As always, I encourage all of you to go and follow her because she runs an amazing and happy blog which you are definitely missing out on if you do not follow her.

amazing blogger award


  • Thank the person who has nominated you
  • Share the rules
  • Share the award logo
  • Nominate at least 5 people (max. 15)
  • Share at least 5 things about yourself
  • Provide a link to the person’s blog who nominated you and the people whom you have nominated
  • Notify the people that you have nominated that you have nominated them

5 Facts About Me:

  1. I love to be tan but I only tan with the sun, no tanning beds, spray tans or fake tanning lotion for me.
  2. Sometimes I get this urge to do a massive hour long workout and afterwards I regret it because I feel completely drained. (Like right now)
  3. I love songs that have a message; particularly a message that doesn’t involve partying, sex and being a thug.
  4. Whenever I like a song that has recently come out, I will play it on repeat several times.
  5. Communicating with my fellow bloggers is one of my favorite things to do.


As always, I want to spread the love and nominate everyone so whether you’ve done this before or not, please do it now. Don’t forget to tag me so that I can get notified and check out the post!


21 thoughts on “Amazing Blogger Award 002

  1. Congrats on your award, I love Silvia and her blog. I cracked when you mentioned that you don’t like songs where the message is something to do with partying, sex and being a thug. Same for me. Say “bitch” or “ho” or something to do with drinking until you pass out and you’ve lost me lol

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