Get To Know: Katie Hulland

Hey everyone, how are you all doing today?! Please do let me know int he comment section below! As you know, I’ve created a Get To Know series where I get to know my fellow bloggers a bit better by having a very casual interview with them. I’ve decided to do this kind of series because I didn’t just want to get to know my followers but I also wanted to spread their blogs to other people. I hope you all are enjoying this series, I think many of you are so as long as you are, I’ll keep doing it.

Today’s amazing guest is Katie Victoria Hulland. Katie runs an amazing blog where she shares her travels, her thoughts and her recipes too. Keep reading about Katie to get to know her a bit better and then once you are done, go on over to her page and give her a follow, trust me, you won’t regret following her.

The Basics:

Name: Katie Victoria Hulland
Nickname(s): Welsh Wanderlust
Occupation: Blog Writer
Nationality: Born in England Brought up in Wales
Country currently living in: Nantes, France

Let’s Get a Little Personal:


Favorite scent?
Favorite breakfast meal?
Banana and Almond butter on Rye Bread with a Cappuccino
Favorite dessert?
Favorite thing to do on a rainy stormy day?
If I had a log burner it would be cwtch (Welsh word for snuggle/cuddle) up on a sofa with a blanket and read a book or watch a film
Favorite go to outfit?
White Pencil Dress and Nude heals! Always a winner!

This or that:

Long ramble blog posts or short ones with lots of pictures?
I am a natural Rambeler when I write but when I’m reading I prefer lots of pictures!
Tropical places or wintery cold places?
TROPICAL! I have just visited Thailand and Malaysia and now being in France it feels so chilly! Although I LOVE SKIING!
Summer or winter?
Summer , I love the beach and being outdoors!
Jeans or leggings?
White Jeans they go with everything!

Would you rather:

Would you rather travel all around the world but never be able to blog it or take photos or only travel to about 40-50 places and be able to take photos and blog it?
TRAVEL around the WHOLE WORLD! I love to share my experiences with people but to travel around the world is my life long dream!
Would you rather watch the sunrise or watch the sunset? 
Sunset, I am such a night owl!
Would you rather watch a TV series or a film?
To be honest, I rarely watch either but sometimes a good film in bed with a cup of tea is perfect!

Simple Questions: 

When did you start blogging?
Just over a year ago, and I found a new passion for writing!
What blog posts do you enjoy reading the most? 
I like blog post about fashion although if I am honest I only really read blog post for clean eating recipes or for travel tips!
What blog posts do you enjoy writing about the most?
I enjoy writing posts about honestly and life growth. My aim with blogging is to encourage others to be happy and open with who they are and accept that everyone is different. I also want to make ALL women feel happy and confident in their own skin.
How do you prefer to spend an evening with friends?
I love getting glammed up and going for a bottle or few of Wine, Prosecco, Gin and Tonics or Cocktails and then find somewhere we can dance the night away! But don’t get me wrong a Domino’s, Onesies and a bottle of wine is just as epic!

Let’s Get a Deeper Connection:

What advice would you give your younger self? 
To not constantly judge myself and to know that I am enough and its ok to not like the same things as other people, have different hair, be a different size and to be comfortable being me!
What are you looking forward to?
Well I have been traveling the past two months which has been amazing but also exhausting and mildly stressful. So I am actually looking forward to going home to the little home comforts like my family, my bed, a real mug, food in the fridge, cooking and baking for KatiesCleanKitchen and eating clean healthy meals!
If you could change anything from your past, would you? 
I wouldn’t change anything as I truly believe that everything happens for a reason! Everything from our past has helped shape us into what we are today! There are times I wish I could have controlled my emotions better but we are all only human and perfection does not exist!
How would you describe the perfect world? 
No Hunger, No Poverty, No War, Equality, No Anger, No Hate, No Violence and No Drugs.
If you could have one superpower what would it be and how would you use it to positively influence the world?  
That’s my favourite question! My super power would be to implant a positive mental attitude and a rational brain inside everyone in the worlds head! But I also think transportation would be really cool!

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Thank you so much Katie for agreeing to take part in this series, I greatly appreciate the fact that you took the time out of your day to share yourself and your answers. I hope that all those that are reading this post go on over to Katie’s blog and give her a great big follow, like her stuff and comment on her posts as well.


31 thoughts on “Get To Know: Katie Hulland

    1. Yay, I’m so glad you are loving this and that you found Katie interesting and want to go ahead and follow her! Thank you so much Abigail for coming by, I hope you have an excellent day!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you as well, for stopping st my end as well.

        Haven’t yet finalised the destination out of 5. Since the weather will hot in South Asia side, while European side a bit cold.

        Any vacation plan for you?

        Liked by 1 person

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