Monday Motivation 033

Let’s get this week started with an amazing intense workout!

Quote of the Week:

“Train like a beast. Look like a beauty.”

Today Monday April 17, 2017

Looking Ahead:

Tuesday April 18, 2017

Wednesday April 19, 2017

Thursday April 20, 2017

Friday April 21, 2017

Saturday April 22, 2017

Sunday April 23, 2017

  • Lazy Sunday is in full swing, rest it up!

Tips & Tricks:

  • Don’t forget to do a warm up each day, something as simple as walking in place for 1-2 minutes is a good enough warm up.
  • Stretching is your best friend, don’t forget to stretch after a workout.
  • Repeat videos as needed.
  • Water, water, water during and after a workout is very important.


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24 thoughts on “Monday Motivation 033

  1. Love this. Monday is a hard day for me to be motivated. I’ve even declared today as a lazy day, after the whole Easter thing. When do you work out? (I mean what time of the day) And do you watch what you eat? I’m curious! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I typically workout straight after work (around 3pm) ! However, if I’m home, like today, I woke up at 8am and did my workout right away to get it out the way! As for eating, I love sweats…I love dessert and I REFUSE to give that up and therefore I try to do an 80-20 where 80% of my day I eat healthier foods such as salads or even pasta with lots of veggies. I do try and stay away from anything such Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, McDonalds…etc. but I do have the occasional Chick Fil a (not sure they have that in Europe yet) but it’s delicious! So do I watch what I eat?! Yes and no. I live my life and if I eat extra bad one day then I workout extra hard the next!


  2. I needed this so bad!! I’m dying these days with all my finals, I had forgotten all about working out! This was super inspiring

    Georgia X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so very much Georgia! The good thing about these workouts is that they are nice and quick so you can get them done and still have plenty of time to study. I wish you the best of luck on your finals, YOU GOT THIS!!! Have a lovely day! x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been getting into the gym groove for the past few weeks or so and coming from a back ground where the only exercise I do is an occasional sprint to class when running late I’m starting to understand the reason why people love exercising. Now I’m afraid I can’t stop 😀
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha I’m so very glad that you’ve jumped into fitness and are enjoying it ! You’ve made me laugh by saying the sprint to class and running late thing, that’s great! Good luck and have fun with your fitness journey !!

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