Liebster Award 002

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First I want to start off by giving a big thank you to the wonderful Glücksgeist for giving me this nomination. I couldn’t be happier to receive such a wonderful award so thank you so much! A message to those of you reading this that have never checked out Glücksgeist’s blog…uhmmm…what are you waiting for?! Go go go!

The rules for the Liebster Award are:

– Thank the blogger (s) who nominated you

– Answer the 11 questions the blogger gave you

– Nominate at least 5, but no more than 11 bloggers who deserve the award

–Tell those bloggers you nominated them

–Create 11 original questions for the nominees to answer

My Questions:

  1. What is the name of the song you are currently obsessed with?
    I am currently obsessed with Bad Things by Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Cabello.
  2. Which movie are you most excited to see in 2017?
    I’m most excited to see Despicable Me 3, Pitch Perfect 3, The Boss Baby, Smurfs: The Lost Village and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head!
  1. What means your blog name to you?
    My blog name is my name, which is Bea (short for Beatriz) and then the word Free attached. To me it kind of means to just be free, be you, and don’t worry.
  2. If you could travel to one country in the world, where would you go? (Stole that one)
    I actually did a blog post on this recently. If I could travel to one country in the world right now it would have to be England.
  3. What was the first post on your blog about?
    My first blog post on my blog was about brunch with a view. CiarraLorren, my best friend, actually took me to this place as part of my birthday gift when I turned 22.
  4. Could you survive a week without your phone?
    I actually survived 3 weeks without my phone when I went to Portugal. Service was out of the question in Portugal and my only way to go on any social media was by connecting to wifi, which proved to be extremely difficult in itself. So yes, I think I can survive a week without my phone.
  5. What is your favorite childhood memory that immediately makes you smile?
    My favorite childhood memory that immediately makes me smile is when I got caught giving my vitamins to the ants. Each morning my mom gave me these gross chalk like vitamins and told me I needed to eat them so I could be “big and strong.” I would then go outside with these vitamins and would give them to the ants so that they could be big and strong…let’s just say after many months of doing this I finally got caught and when my mom asked why I did it my response was “you said I could be big and strong if I ate them and I wanted the ants to be big and strong cause they’re smaller than me.”
  6. Dwarfs or Elves?
    Elves because Christmas is wonderful!
  7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? (Stole that one, but love it so much)
    My favorite thing about myself is my smile.
  8. What was the last thing that made you smile?
    My students just walked into the classroom and all said “good morning miss!” about 100 times! They sounded like the flock of birds from Finding Nemo that shouted “MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE.”
  9. Who’s your favorite actor at the moment? 
    I can’t say I have a favorite actor at the moment, sorry!

Your Questions:

  1. Do you have any embarrassing stories that you refuse to tell anyone?
  2. What is your favorite book?
  3. If you had to choose between living in a place that was cold year round and living in a place that was hot year round, which would you choose?
  4. Do you prefer home cooked meals or eating out at a restaurant?
  5. Would you ever go skydiving?
  6. If you were handed 1 million dollars, what would be the first thing you would spend it on?
  7. If you could have any car in the world, which would it be?
  8. What is your favorite dessert?
  9. What made you want to blog?
  10. Do you have a favorite TV show? What is it?
  11. Have you ever learned to play any instruments?

I now nominate:

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