The Blue Sky Tag 003

The Blue Sky Tag

Hello there gorgeous ladies and gentleman! I was not so recently nominated by the stunning thegeckoonline for The Blue Sky Tag! Truth is, thegeckoonline nominated me for this tag back on the 5th of March but I’m only getting to it now because I’ve been trying to spread out all of the tags/awards. Go on over to thegeckoonline because she is full of great puns and great laughs, while you’re over there give her a follow too!


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions
  • Tag 11 people
  • Give nominees 11 questions to answer.
  • Acknowledge Waves of Awesomeness in your post who created the art.

Questions thegeckoonline asked me:

  1. What is your favourite type of pen?
    I like ballpoint pens, typically in bright colors.
  2. What is your favourite time of the day?
    My favorite time of day is when I’m winding down I think or when I’m out and about enjoying a walk in the park with my dog… I don’t really know what my favorite time of day is it seems.
  3. Would you rather have invisibility (where to be fully invisible, you have to take you clothes off) and not know when you were going to turn visible again, or to forever remain invisible (even if you have your clothes on)?
    I would rather have invisibility where I don’t know where I’ll be visible again because I wouldn’t want to be invisible all the time, then no one would know of my existence and that seems kind of lonely.
  4. What is/was your favourite subject at school?
    My favorite subject in high school was math. My favorite class I took in college, however, was Understanding Images.
  5. If you could know one other language in the world, what would it be?
    If I could know one other language in the world it would be Polish because my boyfriend’s parents speak Polish mainly and a little English, it would be great if I could speak back to them in Polish.
  6. Would you rather not be able to see, or to not be able to hear?
    Ahhhh, I hate this, I hate to think of not having either of these senses because I’ve been so fortunate to have both all of my life. If I really and to pick I think I would go with not being able to hear, although, not being able to hear Ed Sheeran’s amazing music would kill my soul. God bless and knock on wood that this never happens.
  7. Who is your most recent follower?
    I’m currently writing this on March 5th but it won’t be posted for another month because of the schedule I’ve already created (yes, I’m that much ahead) so at the current time my most recent follower is Shelby.
  8. What is the last blog that you commented on?
    The last blog I commented on was actually The Very Punny Blog a.k.a thegeckoonline.
  9. What is your favourite recipe?
    Is it bad I don’t really follow recipes?! I love to cook but I like to do my own thing and find out what works and doesn’t work. I will say though, I follow recipes when it comes to baking because you can’t really just wing that but I don’t have a favorite.
  10. If you had to be a character in a novel, who would you be?
    If I could be a character in a novel I would be Penny from Girl Online  by Zoë Sugg.
  11. If you could be related to anyone in the world, who would it be?
    If I could be related to anyone in the world I would like to be related to I guess Kendall Jenner because although her family gets a lot of hate, they are doing big things and making big bucks!

My Questions to you:

  1. What are your goals for this year?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone?
  4. Would you rather be a famous actress or a famous singer?
  5. What do you do to get cozy?
  6. Which TV show could you watch for hours upon hours?
  7. How would you describe your style?
  8. Would you rather eat at a 5 star restaurant where you get a handful of food for a pricey amount or a 3 star restaurant where the food isn’t quite as spectacular as the 5 star but you get plenty to eat for the price you pay?
  9. If you had the opportunity to own a lemur, a snake or a koala which would you own? (random question, I know, but I figured I’d make things a bit fun)
  10. Do you procrastinate or get things done right away?
  11. Can you describe your perfect vacation getaway?

My Nominations: 

1. Invisible-No-More

2. Imipresents

3. Call Me Trav

4. The Cooking Spoon

5. Beauty and the Ballroom

6. Life of Lyssa

7. Diamonds & Daydreaming

8. Amber Louise

9. Alice and the Adventure

10. Marioness

11. Natttblog



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13 thoughts on “The Blue Sky Tag 003

    1. There’s plenty of them online, if you look up tags maybe you’ll find one you like and then you can start your own series by nominating others to do it, if you’re interested of course! Or you’re more than welcome to do this one :D! Have a lovely day! x

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