Staying Motivated To Workout 002

Hello everyone, how are you all doing? Let me know in the comment section below!

A week ago I posted my first Staying Motivated To Workout post hopefully you all enjoyed that because I have second post coming your way today. As I mentioned last time, it’s okay to lose motivation to workout, we’ve all been there before. It’s okay to take a step back from exercise, trust me, eventually your mind and body will be craving the workouts again. Although it’s totally fine to take a break, how can we help ourselves stay motivated to continue? Well, let’s find out below!

Surround Yourself With Motivation

I know what you’re thinking: well Bea, how on earth am I suppose to do this if I’m reading a post on how to STAY motivated to workout?! Well here is how, pick people that motivate you to workout whether that is fitness gurus on YouTube or ones that are on Instagram and take in all of their wise words on fitness. Furthermore, look up motivational quotes that target fitness and exercise and will make you want to get up and get moving.

“Three months from now you will thank yourself.”

“Stop wishing, start doing.”

“I can and I will.”

“Commit to be fit.”

“The best project you’ll ever work on is you.”

Push Yourself

There is nothing better than pushing yourself far beyond the boundaries you thought you had. When you are working out, go for that extra rep, repeat the video, sweat a little more just to show yourself that you are strong and powerful and you can do it. The more you see yourself succeeding the more likely you are to want to keep going on this fitness journey.

Take Photos

Nothing is more powerful than an image showing your progress. If you ever feel down and out about how far you’ve come, make sure to see where you’ve started. In my opinion, once you see the strength you’ve built you’ll be more inclined to want to keep going. If you’re trying to lose weight than a photo at the start of your journey and a photo a few months after you’ve committed to working out will make a major difference. There is definitely a reason that those before and after fitness photos are so popular everywhere we go and that is because they’re motivational and inspirational.

Build Up Slowly

DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT JUST JUMP IN AND GO FOR A DIFFICULT WORKOUT. If you’re ever doing a workout whether that is one you’re following online or a workout video, don’t push yourself too far beyond your limit because this will only discourage you. Think about, if this is your first time working out in a long time the last thing you want is to be gasping for air and super sore the next day because that will only discourage you from wanting to keep going. Instead of doing this, slowly get into a workout and build up from there; start with 5 minutes than go to longer workouts if necessary or decrease the amount of reps or the weight of the workout guide you are following. Remember, listening to your body is extremely important.


I’m not a fitness guru or a trained professional but I can share with you what I have learned and what works for me and fingers crossed that at least one of you found this to be a helpful post. Hope this helps and don’t forget to share what keeps you motivated to workout.


51 thoughts on “Staying Motivated To Workout 002

  1. What if you’ve lost motivation for the past..oh say 3 years? hahah I used to really enjoy working out and I’ve been trying to prepare myself to start it up again but keep saying I’ll do it tomorrow. I’m going to take your advice and post some motivational quotes around my house.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I say just go for it! Seriously, make it like an appointment in your agenda and try to tell yourself how important it is! Even if you try just 1-2 times a week at first, it’s better than nothing! If you enjoy walking, try going out for a 30 minute power walk! Any little thing will help and be better than no workout at all. You’ve got this! I believe in you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Bea free,
    Nice post. How about setting a goal, maybe loosing a certain amount of weight, running a certain distance, or benching a certain amount, then making a plan to work towards the goal. Goal setting can be very motivational.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great read about motivation! It’s so easy to get distracted in today’s world but I’ve found if we use those same distractions… phone, tv, etc we can use that to our advantage if we use them as a tool to keep us motivated! I’m just starting out with my new blog about my journey if you would like to follow me I’d really appreciate it! Have a great day and I look forward to more posts from you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice Post. You mentioned everything important. It’s just a life learning thing to follow your dreams. Stay motivated people 🙂 👍🏽😙

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