The Awesome Blogger award 001

Hello everyone! How are you all doing on this fine day? I hope you are all very well and happy. Today I want to thank the amazing Angela from Life of an Angela for nominating me for my very first Awesome Blogger award. Angela runs a great blog where she shares her life, her travels and some recipes as well. I would highly recommend that everyone go on over to Angela’s blog and give her a follow because that is the nice thing to do and why not follow someone new?!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Include the reason behind the award.
  3. Include the banner in your post.
  4. Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward in the Reader.
  5. Answer the questions your nominator gave you.
  6. Nominate at least 5 awesome bloggers.
  7. Give your nominees 10 new questions to answer.
  8. Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated!


This award was created by Miss Maggie over at Dreaming of Guatemala.

This is lifted from her original blog about the award:  

“This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.”

Angela’s Questions To Me:

  1. If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
    I would life in our current era, for some reason I don’t feel like I fit in anywhere but where I am currently, I suppose that is why I was placed here and now rather than any other period of time.
  2. Do you put more attention to the people around you or the things around you?
    Ohhh, wow, uhmmm, I am stunned by this question, I think I pay attention to everything, I’m a very observant person, I’m constantly looking around and finding new qualities about people and things.
  3. What are three things you are willing to splurge on for yourself?
    If I’m honest, I don’t really ever splurge on myself unless it was the one time I randomly bought a dog, I suppose that was for myself. Other than that I am willing to splurge on vacations for myself since I love to travel.
  4. Do you prefer writing with a blue or black pen?
  5. What’s the favourite part of your daily routine?
    A tea after dinner…I’m not British but let me tell you, I love that! I feel like tea after dinner really marks the day starting to wind down.
  6. What’s your favourite kind of blog content to write?
    I write a little of everything and I love it.
  7. What is the view from your window right now?
    I’m working and the room I am in has fogged windows so my view is nothing, how sad.
  8. What is your favourite song to sing?
    I sing a lot to everything I know the words to, I don’t have a favorite.
  9. If you could name your pet unicorn, what would you pick?
    Lucky…I’m not sure why but that was the first thought I had when I read this question so I will go with that. Lucky the Unicorn.
  10. What were your highs and lows this week? (borrowing this question from Maggie!)
    It’s only the second day of the week for me (when I’m typing this) the highs so far have been playing tennis with my boyfriend a low is going to work because who wants to work?!

My Questions To You:

  1. What genre of film do you prefer to watch?
  2. Have you ever watched a TV series that you were so invested in and then were highly disappointed by the ending? If so, which show or shows?
  3. What color do you find yourself wearing the most?
  4. If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what 5 words would you use?
  5. What season do you prefer?
  6. When was your last vacation and where did you go?
  7. How many people or animals do you live with?
  8. What are three materialistic items you cannot live without?
  9. Do you think you could go on shows like Dating Naked or Naked and Afraid? (Hope you all know these, if not, quickly look them up.)
  10. What are your guilty pleasures?


EVERYONE! I think my new thing is going to be to nominate everyone from here on out so that more people get the opportunity to do awards and tags if they are interested in them. Therefore, if you are interested in doing this award, I nominate you! Please do make sure to tag me in the post so that I can go on over and read your answers.


19 thoughts on “The Awesome Blogger award 001

      1. That is awesome. It is such a great sport, and fun to watch. I wish I had learned when I was still young enough to have a positive attitude about my failings. 😛 The only time I have really enjoyed playing was when 3 friends and I would play after work, none of us following any rules. It was absolute madness and so much fun. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. chaotic is right! I particularly enjoyed hauling myself across the courts to get the ball, as there was no “out.” Ball’s in the parking lot? Still counts. On the next guy’s court? Still counts. Haha! 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Yay! I’m glad you did the award, I really enjoyed reading your answers 😀
    I especially like your answer to my first question about what era to live in. I suppose we were all placed in the here and now to do our best with where we are 🙂
    Awesome answers Bea 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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