Blogging Advice 005

Disclaimer: I’m really not qualified to be giving blogging advice.

Hey there! How is everyone today?! Do let me know in the comment section below. As you can tell by the title and my lovely disclaimer, I am here today to give you some more blogging advice. Why take advice from someone who isn’t qualified to give blogging advice? I’m not sure but I have had people ask me for advice which is why I started this series in the first place.

End a Post with a Question:

What better way to get some discussion going in the comment section than by ending a post with a question? OR even starting a post with a question may also open doors to some comments and conversations. If you are writing a review post, perhaps finish off the post by asking others to chime in if they have tried the product before too. If you are just writing a post to keep everyone update on what you are doing, ask others how they are doing and what they are looking forward to. The possibilities are endless when it comes to ending posts with a question.

Plan Ahead:

I’m a planner, definitely a planner. I’m so much of a planner that I am typing this out on March 23, 2017 although it will not be up until April 30th….that’s over a month from now. I like to be ahead of what I am doing though. Whenever I have some free time, I type up my posts and schedule them for the future. By doing this and staying ahead of the game, it allows me to not miss any days of posting and it also lets me stay at ease. Planning ahead is also great in case you get overwhelmingly busy. Try it out!

Share Adventures:

I sort of touched on this last week when I mentioned to share about yourself. People like to know what places to visit, whether that’s countries, cities or even cafes and restaurants, it’s amazing to have insight on a place before you go. So, next time you go on vacation or next time you try out a new coffee spot, take some photos and type up a quick blog post to share with everyone. By sharing your adventures, you can also open up a discussion.


That’s it for today! Again, remember, I am not a blogging guru. Are you finding these blog posts helpful? Have you been taking any of my advice? (See what I did there, refer to advice 1 on this blog post if you don’t.)



44 thoughts on “Blogging Advice 005

  1. Ending a post with a question is definitely good blogging advice. I do this quote often to engage with readers. I also like the thought of sharing Adventures as I enjoy reading those posts. I can believe you can plan months ahead lol wow! I don’t think I could plan that far along

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love these posts, especially since I am a new blogger. I feel sometimes stupid asking a question cause I don’t have a lot followers but I continue to still do it! I have not done the planning yet, but I think I’m going to take advantage of it today.
    I do have a question..what are these a to z challenges that I see? is it something you just make up? do you have to join something? I’ve been thinking of doing one but I’m not sure yet. I also have been looking up things on Pinterest to write about. I think my issue is with titles, they seem boring.
    thank you for the blogging advice, I look forward to these!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so glad that you are enjoying these posts! I say you keep asking a question regardless if you get a response or not, it’s great to get into the habit of it and it shows you are willing to engage with your readers. As for the tags, they either made up by people in the blog site itself or you can find A BUNCH online. For example, I found a this or that tag so I did it online and then shared on the blog. You then can tag or nominate other people to do it so it spreads the fun. You can just try to make your own tag or your own q&a! As for titles, I suppose they can be quite difficult, I don’t think I’m too creative with them either but just gotta go with the flow and be you on your blog really. Have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I usually ask a question and then post it to hear my readers opinions! ☺️ It’s so interesting to see how people will share their voice in a comment!😋

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  4. I’m extremely impressed with your planning if you’ve typed this post one month before today! I write all my posts the same week that they go up (…I blame last minute inspiration and Grey’s Anatomy for that).

    It’s really good advice to end off with a question!

    Great post to read!


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am doing really good today! I love your idea of ending each blog with a question, I’ve noticed people doing that and thought it was a great way to engage. I also love your idea of retelling adventures- it adds such a personal touch. Scheduling has caused me more mishaps with published drafts than anything so far, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m feeling pretty good now. Great actually as I just had some chocolate. I love your advice of planning ahead. I do that often too. It definitely helps take off some pressure as a daily blogger 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I so agree with all this advice! Especially the first one, I love leaving a little question at the end! And I’m loving reading your blogging tips, I hardly think you need that disclaimer, your so good at it! 😉❤️ Thank you for sharing these helpful blogging tip posts! x

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